The Midlife Guide to Whole Body Health & Wellness

bouquet of beautiful pink daisies
stethoscope and vitamin D sign
cute hamser holding a toy dumbbell

Are you someone who’s there for others in a heartbeat but never seems to have enough time for your own self-care? Or squeezes in a few minutes haphazardly, here and there? Then, feels guilty afterward?

Midlife Mosaic makes it easy to fit yourself back into your life. Here, you’ll find health info and time-saving tips that can fit into a busy schedule. With a unique perspective of holistic health backed by science, Midlife Mosaic is your go-to guide to rocking your best life. Together, let’s keep your body healthy, your brain sharp, and your spirit energized for years to come!

Dr. Ginte


Quiz time! Which pop artist sold the most albums during the 1980s?

Blond Gen X woman and Gen X man in baseball cap playing vinyl records

A. Madonna

B. Whitney Houston

C. Michael Jackson

D. Prince

Answer: C. Thriller alone sold over 66 million copies, followed by Bad with 35 million copies.